On this page, you will find information about what you as a supplier need to know when invoicing Tornstaden in order to have efficient handling of the invoice and thus also payment. We prefer that you send PDF invoice via email. Tornstaden group consists of many companies, so make sure you address correct legal entity and label the invoice with correct project number. If you lack any information, please ask your company contact. If you want the instructions in PDF download here.
Email address for PDF invoice:
Please, be aware that the email address can only be used to send invoices.
ATTENTION! Only one PDF file per invoice. This means that documents belonging to the invoice must be scanned together with the invoice.
Invoice recipient including ID code and project number must be included. The ID code is unique for each company and you can find them in the list of companies.
The company name
ID xxxxxxxxxxxx
Invoice correct company
You need to make sure you invoice correct company. Due to VAT and accounting rules, we cannot transfer invoices between companies if your invoice is addressed wrong. Therefore, an incorrectly addressed invoice will be returned. You will need to send a new invoice with correct information and a new due date.
All invoices must contain a reference number (except those relating to a real estate company). The reference should be a 4-5 digit project number. The project number must appear on the line “your reference” on the invoice. An invoice can only contain one project number. If you have not received a project number, please contact your company contact. If a reference is missing or if it is incorrectly specified, the invoice will be returned to you for completion.
Payment terms and complaints
Our payment terms are at least 30 days from the receipt of the invoice. Shipping, invoicing or similar fees are not accepted, nor are late payment interest and fees in connection with complained about or disputed invoices. Any payment reminders are sent to
Do you have questions?
Contact the Finance Department via email or telephone +46 31 350 15 00
Checklist for the content of the invoice
- Invoice type – debit or credit invoice
- Date of issue of the invoice
- Payment terms (due date)
- Invoice number (OCR number)
- Supplier’s organization number
- Customer’s VAT registration number – if the buyer is liable for tax for the purchase (so-called reverse tax liability)
- Full name and address of the supplier
- Customer company name
- Quantity and nature of the goods or the scope and nature of the services
- Date when goods were sold or services performed
- Invoice total – gross and net
- VAT amount and VAT rate as a percentage
- Information on the invoice is covered by “reverse payment obligation” in the case of performed construction services
- To ensure correct payment information, we prefer that our suppliers have bank giro
- Statement of F tax
- Contact details – name, telephone number and email address
- Project number – Note that an invoice can only contain one project number
- In the case of a credit invoice, the invoice number for the intended debit invoice must be specified
Reverse VAT on construction services
The invoice must be without VAT and the buyer’s, i.e. our company’s VAT registration number (VAT number) must be stated. On the invoice, you must also state the text “Reverse tax liability for construction services applies”.